Everyday dilemmas cause some people to respond by clenching their jaw or grinding their teeth. Daily commuting, work problems, or an overpacked schedule are some common culprits. Teeth grinding and jaw clenching can trigger or aggravate a painful condition called TMD or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. TMD is often mistakenly called ‘TMJ,’ the acronym for temporomandibular…
Your Comfort
Tooth Decay Is On The Rise In Preschoolers
TOOTH DECAY IS ON THE RISE IN YOUNG KIDS. So, if you have toddlers, or know other parents with young kids, spread the word!…
String Floss Or A Waterpik?
AN OFTEN-ASKED QUESTION is whether or not to use regular string floss or a waterpik during daily oral care.
Have You Heard About “Teeth Tattoos” Yet!?
YOU MAY HAVE HEARD ABOUT THE ODD temporary “teeth tattoos” fad that erupted in the East…
Chewing Tobacco Can Harm Your Smile
LET’S FACE THE FACTS…chewing tobacco may be smokeless, but it’s definitely not harmless!…
Do You Have A Canker Sore Irritating Your Smile?
CANKER SORES ARE NO FUN, especially when it’s time to brush your teeth…