March 17–23 is Root Canal Awareness Week. We know there are misperceptions out there about root canal therapy. We also know that it’s a topic people don’t typically visit about in a favorable light. Root canal therapy has always been a bit of a “whipping boy” in dentistry—and, its reputation is probably undeserved. This is especially true given today’s awesome treatment advancements.
The Most Common Misperception
The problems that lead up to needing a root canal can be painful because they affect your tooth’s pulp and nerves. Oftentimes people associate root canal treatment with the discomfort that made the treatment necessary in the first place. Don’t forget that root canal therapy is the solution, not the problem! And, root canals don’t need to be painful.
Today’s Ingredients For Comfortable Root Canal Treatments:
- safe, effective anesthesia
- extremely precise tools
- incredible imaging technology that enhances how and what we see
- shorter treatment times
A Useful Overview Of Fillings, Crowns, And Root Canal Therapy
[youtube]If you’re anxious about having a root canal, or about any other dental treatment, please let us know. Or if you have questions, please ask us. Your comfort is our #1 priority. Don’t postpone important dental care because of fear. We listen and we care. Let’s take great care of your oral health, together.