WHAT IF YOUR TOOTHBRUSH could be a force for good in the world? Pretty high expectations, right? But that’s exactly what the developers of Bogobrush are trying to do.
It’s Like The Tom’s Shoes Concept
The makers of the Bogobrush re-imagined the toothbrush while adding the philanthropic component. To be clear… We’re not affiliated with Bogobrush. We just like the concept of helping others.
- BOGO stands for Buy One, Give One. For each brush you buy, another is given to someone in need! Millions of people lack access to dental care. This project takes a small step toward remedying that problem.
- Environmentally friendly, without compromising dental health. The biodegradable design means less plastic toothbrushes in landfills.
- Now, brushing is more than just a chore… It’s keeping you AND someone else healthy!
Founded By A Brother/Sister Team
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udj2KaCWcyk&w=543&h=305]Want To Learn More?
The makers of Bogobrush are working hard to launch the product. You can learn more about Bogobrush from their website. There is also an additional video about their progress that you can watch. And, we’re interested in your opinions about this idea.