Mother Theresa once said that peace begins with a smile. How do you feel about your smile? Are you at peace with it? If you think there is room for improvement, talk to us about cosmetic dentistry options at Beveridge Dental in San Jose CA. Cosmetic dentistry refers to a range of procedures we use…
The Many Benefits of Clear Braces
Clear braces like those available at Beveridge Dental in San Jose CA have transformed the way we can straighten teeth. If you’re interested in braces that are more comfortable and manageable than conventional braces, give us a call. Unlike conventional braces, clear braces are made of a clear synthetic material. They look like an athlete’s…
Porcelain Veneers And Instant Orthodontics
If you have been paying attention to orthodontics in recent years, you probably have heard about Invisalign® clear braces. They have been welcomed by many people, especially adults who want an alternative to traditional metal braces, and are available at Beveridge Dental in San Jose CA. There’s more good news for those who want to…
Ross Ave