Take Extra Care Of Your Teeth This Month!

HERE AT OUR PRACTICE, WE LOVE OCTOBER. Why, you ask? Well, it’s no secret that October ushers in pumpkin-carving contests, frightful haunted houses, spiced apple cider, spooky costumes, and yummy treats.

But, did you know that October is also National Dental Hygiene Month? It’s true! This month of sweets and treats is also a season for learning more about, and celebrating, your own oral health!

Here are four useful, easy tips from the American Dental Hygienists Association to help you keep your mouth clean!


for 2 minutes, twice a day. Studies have shown that following this guideline is the most important step we can take to reduce plaque buildup, oral diseases, and other problems including cavities and gingivitis.


daily. Floss is able to reach those places your toothbrush can’t! We know this is the hardest guideline to follow, but we promise it will pay off. Keep some floss in your purse, briefcase, or backpack so you always have it on hand. Your oral health will improve and you won’t be stuck helpless when that stubborn piece of black pepper gets stuck in between your front teeth!


with mouthwash. Brushing and flossing loosen up and remove bacteria from your mouth, but mouthwash kills that leftover bacteria that your toothbrush might not have caught. Fight gum disease!

4. CHEW…

some sugar-free gum after eating. It’s clinically proven to stimulate saliva and improve oral health!

So, have fun at those Halloween parties and enjoy (a little bit of) your trick-or-treat candy—but don’t forget about your dental hygiene!

Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions about the best way to keep your teeth healthy and strong!

Happy October!