FATHERS HAVE A KNACK FOR making us smile—even when we’d prefer to be grouchy! Amazingly, they can usually pressure us into smiling through a simple act or gesture—a grin, a proud look, a really dumb joke.
This week, as much of the world celebrates Father’s Day, let’s return the favor!
Help Make The Fathers In YOUR Life Smile!
Take a moment to think about the fathers (and/or “father figures”) in your life. These could include your own dad, an admired teacher, a grandfather, a neighbor or mentor…
Now, think of one thing you can do for each of them this week that would make their lives brighter, make them smile, or lighten their loads. Remember, it could be something really simple like a unexpected visit or unhurried phone conversation to just say “thanks”. Whatever you come up with, make sure he knows how grateful you are for the role he’s played in your life.
It isn’t every day that we get an opportunity to celebrate those fathers who have contributed to our success and happiness. Take advantage of the day. By helping these fathers smile, you’ll find yourself smiling as well.
Think Of The Fathers In Your Life As You Watch This
Oral-B did a great job in this video capturing the Power of Dad!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5KyRHCuQaM?rel=0]Now Share Something With Us!
Did you decide on some things you can do this week? Please share your ideas with us below!
Do you have a memorable experience where a father in your life made you smile? Perhaps a great Father’s Day tradition? Share it with us in the comments section below or on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you.